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Showing posts from May, 2021

Beginning of a vegan artist's journey

  MY VEGAN STORY    I had been feeling for quite a long time that I and we as a couple needed to be a bit more healthy. We were moving towards this steadily but we were eating a lot of dairy. For a few years now I was trying to cut down on meat. We were aiming to eat meat a few times a week like say three times. Then we wanted to eat fish at least once a week. In fact we were eating meat on a Friday not for a religious reason more to do with tradition. I was feeling pretty good about our steady process to get healthier. I had also started to think about ejecting all toxins out of my life. However, to be honest I was not sure how to do that and I am still working that out. For a long time I thought that I could not do much about my diet, and I thought I was doing all I could. I had this niggle (which I would call the Holy Spirit) in the back of my mind though that this was not the case but I didn’t know how. I was starting to look at recipes now and again. I would go through phases of