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Showing posts from September, 2024

Come paint with me - how it all began

How did it all begin?  Last Monday evening marked the premier of an initiative I have been calling "Come Paint with me." You may have seen social media posts about this dotted around my channels.  The first in person 'Come Paint with me in person by the Lake was held at a local restaurant called The Wine Press besides the local beauty spot of Hollingsworth lake.  Although Monday was the first in person event. I have been running 'Come Paint with me.' since the pandemic for around 4 years.  One morning I woke up with the words in my head "It's time to nail mental health." I woke up with a start what did that mean? Now for those of you who know me you will know that I am a deeply spiritual person. So now you are going to think that I am into crystals and reiki and all that jazz. Well no I'm a Christian and I believe that as a Christian we can tap Into the spiritual realm. Basically I can hear God and see into the kingdom of God. Now if