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Come paint with me - how it all began

How did it all begin? 

Last Monday evening marked the premier of an initiative I have been calling "Come Paint with me." You may have seen social media posts about this dotted around my channels. 

The first in person 'Come Paint with me in person by the Lake was held at a local restaurant called The Wine Press besides the local beauty spot of Hollingsworth lake. 

Although Monday was the first in person event. I have been running 'Come Paint with me.' since the pandemic for around 4 years. 

One morning I woke up with the words in my head "It's time to nail mental health." I woke up with a start what did that mean? Now for those of you who know me you will know that I am a deeply spiritual person. So now you are going to think that I am into crystals and reiki and all that jazz. Well no I'm a Christian and I believe that as a Christian we can tap Into the spiritual realm. Basically I can hear God and see into the kingdom of God. Now if I'm honest this doesn't happen as much as I would like. I talk more about this on my other channels. I have to explain this because it will make everything else I am going to say make sense. 

During the Pandemic I had a lot of time on my hands so I was doing a lot of painting, that is the thing that really helped safeguard my own mental health through the pandemic but more about that another day. I noticed how ordinary people were using the internet to reach people and create activities for them to do to improve their wellbeing especially throughout lockdown.  So I started doing painting lives on Facebook, it seemed that people not only liked to see my paint at events but they also liked to watch me paint live as well. 

I was thinking about doing some kind of masterclass to start seminars which I am still yet to do. 
As a starting point I thought about doing a zoom room where people would come in and just have a go at doing a bit of art. The title that came to me was "Come Paint with Me." How many people remember that cooking show where they all go into each others houses to cook for each other which was called " Come Dine with Me."

So was birthed "Come Paint with Me," I wasn't looking for budding artists, I wasn't event looking for creative people, I was looking for people who just wanted to have a go and have a bit of fun. 

At the same time I was doing a course about Christian Spirituality and I realised that "Come Paint with Me." was the beginning of how I was going to do my small part.

So that's when "Come Paint with me," was birthed. I started doing a weekly zoom call which I streamed on facebook and some of them even made it to youTube. I've never really spent much time building my youTube channel until now, why not check it out here . There was a mix on the zoom calls of those who had never really done any art, beginners and those who would call themselves artists. Then some people would just come on to watch everyone else or they would watch the facebook live for entertainment. 

I became aware very quickly that "Come Paint with me." was more about well-being and promoting healthy mental health. It was ran originally at a time when no one was allowed out of their house. We learnt to adapt and for so many of us most of our lives was played out online. So we had to find ways to not just keep ourselves occupied but also find activities that would promote a sense of well-being. 

I wanted to emphasise that these sessions were not about skill or talent but they were more about enjoyment and well-being. So we did sessions that were finger-painting and potato prints, the type of things that you do when you are three. For some reason we think that we are not allowed to get messy anymore, its not what adults do but who says that. There is something very relaxing and freeing about getting a bit messy and just going for it and creating and having a go. Guests really enjoyed the way we would chat as we created about a range of subjects there was an opportunity to meet new people and we had a little community. 

"Come paint with me" is not an art class it is a space to feel the freedom and inspiration to have a go at being creative in a non threatening and non-judgemental atmosphere. 
Those that participated during the pandemic were so excited about taking part and it encouraged some to continue and develop their artistic skill or enjoyment away from the sessions. 

Recently when I decided to launch out into in person event's I thought its time to bring back the show, already I have had a few people on the live who enjoy commenting on what I am painting and just chit-chatting about life in general. If there is enough people interested we may do a zoom call again. 

However I am going to be planning on doing these in person as much as possible in all kinds of places and spaces. As now the other side of the Pandemic "Come paint with me." can be let out of the TV and into your community. 

If you live in the UK and you have a group that would like to experience "Come paint with me." get in touch and I can see what can be arranged.   
More about "Come paint with me."  soon 

"Come paint with me." Is on IG and FB live every Monday night 8pm GMT and later on Youtube. I cannot go live on youtube at the moment until I have 50 subscribers so please subscribe to my channel 
Artantics You Tube 

Do leave a comment I would love to hear your thoughts :)


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